The Robert Biskup Dental Centre cares about your privacy

Your privacy is important to us. In accordance with the Act to modernize legislative provisions respecting the protection of personal information (commonly referred to as “Bill 25”), we have strengthened and added new practices to protect personal information. In particular, we have developed a Privacy Policy and implemented rigorous standards for the protection of your privacy.

Here are some of the key points to remember when it comes to managing our customers’ personal information:

  • We obtain your consent before collecting, using or disclosing your personal information.
  • We use your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • We implement specific measures to protect your personal information.

If you agree with the current situation, you don’t have to do anything. However, you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can also request rectification and access to your documents by contacting the Privacy Officer appointed by Dr Robert Biskup. She can be reached at the following coordinates:

Iwona Oleszczak

Secretary and Coordinator
802-6600 Trans-Canada Highway
Pointe-Claire, QC

Upon written request, you may obtain the following information:

  • The personal information collected;
  • The categories of people who have access to this information within the institution;
  • How long we keep this information.

Thank you for your cooperation

Contact us

Our office offers a full array of dental services to help you create a satisfying smile.  Simply call, send us an email or fill out the form and we will contact you shortly to confirm your appointment. We look forward to seeing you.


9am – 5pm


9am – 5pm


11am – 7pm


11am – 7pm


9am – 4pm

West Island Smiles,
802-6600 Trans-Canada Highway,
Pointe-Claire, Québec,
H9R 4S2